Hope wilts without art and music. The Conservatory of Ejendra and Bardic
College was established in the early days of the New Founding with the goal
of ensuring that hope continues to thrive, against all odds. Founded by
Valena, the first Songmistress, the College teaches an art of Low Magic
known as Songweaving, or the ability to infuse threads of song and melody
with strands of the Aether. Practitioners of this art are granted the title
of Bard.
Such songs, in the hands of a capable Bard, are known to more than just lift
spirits. The woven Aether can speed wounds to heal, help one to ignore the
effects of heat, cold, or inclement weather while traveling, or even inspire
one to perform heroic feats. Bards have a long and storied history in the
Old and New Kingdoms, and are typically well-respected.
It's said that a real Bard always speaks the truth (as they see it), as
doing so ensures they continue to curry the favor of Ejendra, the Muse, who
blesses their songs.