
You were raised among the people of the city-state of Nephygia on the
eastern continent, across the Great Ocean from Altheria. Your home was a
major sea port and sent ships all over the world to trade.

Nephygian culture was one of self indulgence and hedonism and was fueled by
the sheer wealth brought in by trade. It was said that anything could be
purchased in Nephygia for the right price. The Nephygian Syndicate, the
company with the city's trade charter, effectively ran the city, using
bribery, underhanded tactics, and coersion to keep the money flowing simply
as matters of course. It was not a secret that the city's governor was a
figurehead subject to the will of the Syndicate.

Promises of wealth beyond one's wildest dreams lured many traders, sailors,
and thieves to Nephygia, and life was good for those who could afford it.

When the Blight came and there was nowhere to run to, Nephygians took to
their sailing ships and set out in every direction to find sanctuary
wherever they could.